Merita - spring 2015
Estonian Champion
Luxembourg Junior Champion International Lifesaving Federation Canine Lifeguard Belgian Lifesaving Federation Canine Lifeguard Rally obedience Excellent level 1, Rally obedience Excellent level 2 Crufts qualification for 2014, 2016
Merita - Kivisilmän Rutikuiva
(03.06.2011- )
Waterwork: UK level A & B & C, Achievers 1 & 2, DE level A, EE level A & B, DK SOR Nosework: UK Level 1 & 2
Shows: CAC-J: EE, LU CAC: EE
Draft: UK Beginners
Obedience: UK level 1, UK level 2 Rally obedience UK Level 1 (Excellent title), Level 2 (Excellent title) Canine good citizen bronze UK
Picture gallery
Kivisilmän V (17.04.2014) Kivisilmän Z (01.06.2016)
is a very active Newfoundland, always ready for a walk outside or for a
training session. She absolutely loves water and ends up walking in the
river for most of our walks. Merita is very easy to train as she is
easily motivated by either play (tug or fetch) or treats (anything will
is extremely social. If it was up to her, she would meet and greet
every single person and dog we meet on our walks. She gets along with
Merita has been generally healthy
so far. She had a traumatic neck muscle injury spring 2017, but has
recovered from it well with no lasting impact. She is a very active Newfoundland and loves to swim in rivers.
She has a good coat and good skin and we can leave her to dry on her own. She does not have any allergies.
Heart: Healthy (Echodoppler, ECG and auscultation, April 2013; Auscultation summer 2015)
Hips: D/D (Official X-rays, Finland, January 2013)
Elbows: 0/0 (Official X-rays, Finland, January 2013)
Cystinuria carrier Colours: bbSSDD (brown does not carry black&white, does not carry grey)
Kivisilmän R- | AM, CAN CH, ROM Wee Lovett's Island of Manitou DOB: 29.1.1984 HD: good | AM CH, ROM Roosevelt of Thunderbay HD: normal | AM CH Shipways Shore Patrol HD: normal | Thunder Bay's Tugboat Anne | VN, AM CH, AM CD, WRD, TDD Spindrifts Wee Lovett Alcor | Kody of the Thatch Roof | Spindrifts Winnen Ways HD: normal | LUX CH Kivisilman Monitoimikone "Ruuti" DOB: 23.11.2008 HD: B/B, ED: 0/0 heart clear (doppler and ECG) cystinuria free | El Oso Pardo von Baywatch HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, heart clear | Boradailes Bifrost Beau, HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, heart clear | Chanel No 5 von Baywatch, HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, heart clear | C.I.B., FI, SE CH, EUVV-11 Larinkallion Brysselinblicca "Capri" D/D 0/0 heart: healthy, cyst: free | Gasparo vom Kaninchenberg D/D 0/0 | Larinkallion Gateudengohde D/D 0/0 |