Watercubs & Kivisilmän working show-quality newfoundlands |
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30.12.2008 New pictures
on the puppypages again: They've grown a lot in a week again. Now they are
almost coming ot of the puppypen already, jumping around and playing with
their food, and really growling and playing with each other all the time.
They weigh now between 5.5-6.5kg (five weeks). New year is coming ahead, so
far they haven't even noticed the fireworks. They would also like to spend a
lot of time outside in the cold ( up to -8°C)! So far they've been outside
every day now for at least ten minutes, or until they get tired.
23.12.2008 It's been a bit warmer the last few days, so the puppies have been out a bit more. There are a few new pictures on the puppypages again. We've cut their nails three times now (fourth session coming up next weekend). The puppies are also much more active than they were a week ago. They now have longer play sessions and they are also eating the meat with better success, now that they have learned how to properly chew with their teeth.
Vera's heat hasn't started yet, but it should come any day now.
16.12.2008 Capri and the puppies are doing very well right now. They have grown past 3 kgs already, have had two nail clipping session, one deworming and two full meals. We started their weaning just yesterday, only as a part of the meal and an addition to the milk. They understood instantly that the veggie/mince mash was theirs to eat, and probably ate almost a full tablespoon of it each. Pictures
Vera got home for the christmas holidays too. She had been spending time with me in England for the past few months. She took the puppies in very well and doesn't mind them being around in our living room. I think she's just very happy to be home again! We're hoping for her heat to start pretty soon.
Annina got her own pug (Tarragem Haley Hurricane) "Data" a few weeks ago. She had been about getting her own pug for the last ten or so years; it was definitely time for her to actually get one. We don't plan on breeding from Data, because we don't have enough knowledge about the breed to know what we would be doing doing. She'll only be as our own "mascot". She's very adorable and promising, but her character is definitely the best. She's very open and doesn't mind any new things (she's only 9 weeks, but she's already been on the bus; the metro, the vet and they've all been happy experinces for her!). We're very fortunate that she's not afraid of anything.
23.11.2008 Capri had her
litter today. Three puppies; two girls and one boy. Everyone is doing great.
Pictures on the litter pages. 22.11.2008 Today it snowed! Capri's litter is due on Monday, so we have a very exciting weekend ahead of us. I made a new litter pages, where all the information will be on: Kivisilmän M-litter Last weekend Annina and I (Bettina) went to a Newfoundland Judging Seminar in Coventry, UK. We got shown an amazing English newfoundland database: uknewfoundlands.info It is worth keeping in mind, because it is constanty updated, and it has more information about English newfoundlands than any other site I have visited. I received my Finnish kennel name, under which the puppies will be registered, last week. The Affix is "Kivisilmän".
8.11.2008 Today was Vera's first show in England. (a club
show) She did extremely well and placed second in limit and open classes. In
special open black, she was first. The rosettes and newfshaped
placementcards were very lovely! :-) We had our hands full of prizes she had
won: three manttles and a shampoo bottle! 25.11.2008 Yesterday was Capri's ultrasound. We are very glad to announce that she is pregnant; The Vet's guess was around four puppies. The only thing out of ordnary that we have noticed in Capri's behaviour is that she eats fish! Normally she wouldn't touch it and it would take a few days before she would gulp it down. Now she eats it before she touches the meat. The litter should be born on the 24th November. Vera seems to be starting her heat pretty soon, too. Charlie (the male springerspaniel x cocker cross that lives in the same household as Vera and I) has been sniffing her behind for a couple of weeks now... Here is one
of the ultrasound pictures, where the vet measured the head size (already
one cm). 11/10/2008 Capri's mating a couple of weeks ago went very well. We have the ultrasound scheduled in two-weeks-time. Then we will know for sure if she is pregnant or not. Vera is enjoying her time in England. She likes chasing the rabbits on the fields and swimming in the nearby lakes. :-)
Thursday 11/09/08
Capri started her
heat today!
Looks like we'll be getting
November-puppies.. :-) Friday 05/09/08 Today we recieved the confirmation of International Beauty Champion!
Tue 02/09/08 Before we left on holiday (on
our way to Finland) we went to see the stud for Capri in Germany. Now we
are glad to announce that he will be El Oso Pardo von Baywatch
"El". (www.ingas-neufis.eu/neufi)
He's got very good health results, and he is very beutiful with a good
structure and movement. He has had a few brown litters which have been
very good, so we're hoping for similar progeny.
He's got the basic newf character;
stubborn, but kind and easy to train (like Capri). He's also a waterwork
newfoundland, which is always a very big plus. :-)
The puppy-meet (although they are already
three years old!) went well. This time both of the Paavo's managed to
come. They got along together very very well. Most of the time they just
played and ran together, totally ignoring Vera (who also wanted to play
and got frustrated at them and started barking.. ). The boys did relax
eventually and were totally asleep by the time it was time to go back
During the holidays we didn't show Capri, except for two Junior Handler competitions with the youngest, Markus (10 years). Vera went to five shows, receiving one CAC and two RCAC. Three times she was EXC 1 and twice EXC 2. Paavo (Larinkallion Herrasmies) went to one show, where he was EXC 2, BM 3, RCAC!
We arranged a trimming day in Finland. It
was a day during which we showed new newf owners how to trim and take care
of their newfoundlands coat. The day passed quickly and everyone left with
a smile on their face, having learnt a lot of new stuff. Even the
landseer-owner got some good tips for her landseer and bought a new brush
from the next show (later on she thanked us again and again for showing it
to her). Around twenty kilometeres is a good lenthy hiking trip for two days. It doesn't sound much, but when you have a great big rucksack with the tent and all, it is enough. We went on twice on the hiking trips with the dogs to the national park, just two kilometers from our gate. It was very beautiful! The paths were small, rocky and uneven, but we managed well. To our surprise even the dogs managed to climb and come down very very steep paths (where we had to go on four, or slide down on our behinds!) without any problems. They both stayed on the path well and didn't hesitate at all when encountering slippery rocks, steep hills or even wobbly bridges! Everyone we met wanted to pat them both and always joked about the looking like two bears.. (joke is getting old, especially when we hear it everytime we see anyone..! ) The nights were pretty cold (around 7 degrees in August!), but we had the dogs inside to keep us warm. Especially Capri was very happy to be able to sleep so close to (even on top of!) us, Vera preferred to sleep in the corner, at our feet..
On our way back to Belgium, we went to a two-day-show in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. Saturday Vera won the open class with certificate-quality (CK) and received a CAC, she was also the best bitch and best of opposite sex. Capri was best bitch 2 also with cetrificate-quality. The Best of Breed (also Best of Group 2) was a beautiful male from Finland; Destellon Rio-O-Hoi (who also became Swedish Champion). Sunday we didn't show Vera, because she had already received the CAC we wanted for her on Saturday. Capri won the open class with certificate quality, she also won the champion and junior class winners becoming best bitch and later best of opposite sex, she received a CAC and CACIB becoming SWEDISH CHAMPION. The Best of Breed (also Best of Group 4) was the beautiful Destellon Rio-O-Hoi. Capri is now International, Finnish and Swedish Champion. Vera isn't a champion yet, but she has six CAC's from five different countries. When she eventually receives one more CAC from Finland she'll become Finnish and Swedish Champion, or one from Luxembourg and she'll become L CH.
Wed 17/07/08 Both Capri and Vera passed the A-Brevet with the landseer club! Congratulations to both! :-) Today we're heading towards Finland, so no updates untill early September. You can of course always contact me for more information, but don't be worried if you don't get a reply straight away. I try to check my email at least once a week from the library. We have decided on a perfect stud for Capri. Ask for pictures and more information by email. We will announce him on the website after summer. Sat 05/07/08 The Bellewaerde park - event went very very well. We felt like moviestarts with cameras flashing around all the time! All the dogs did well, and they sure were tired the next day! Tomorrow we have a waterwork test organized by the Landseer club! We took some new pics of the girls: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v703/bettin/kesakuvia08/ Fri 27/06/08 We are very sorry to announce that Vera has been ultrasounded to be empty. :-( We will try again the same combination to her next heat around December. We will also try for a brown litter with Capri for autumn -08, the stud will be announced shortly as we need to first check him out ;-) Tomorrow we will be going to a Dog Day waterwork demonstration at Bellewaerde Park. (http://www.bellewaerde.be/) Mon 16/06/08 During the weekend Capri went to two shows; on saturday she was 1 EXC, RCACIB. And on Sunday she was 1 EXC, CACIB, BOB, also becoming INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION!! Wed 04/06/08 Balto was gorgeous, and it was great to meet him again! He was as excited about everything as when we last met him, but he was adorable: a REAL newf in all ways! (new pictures: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v703/bettin/Balto/?start=all ) Thank you very much for everything! :-) Tue 27/05/08 Meanwhile trying to keep my mind cool and not be too ecstatic about the hopefully to-be puppies, I found another beautiful picture of Balto in Goldcup -07: Thank you very much for letting me post it here ( http://www.neufundländerfreunde.de/ ) ! I do recommend the site to others too, I found myself spending quite a bit of time browsing through it even though I don't understand German! The show pictures were of course very interesting, could get a good peak of who was where and what dogs I've only heard of, look like :-) . Go and have a look yourself, I know you'll enjoy it! Tue 20/05/08 New pictures of Balto added: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v703/bettin/Balto/ He did very well in a couple of shows they went to during the weekend. On Saturday he was BIM (Best of opposite sex) and on Sunday he was 1st! Congratulations! :-) Sat 10/05/08 While we're waiting for Vera's heat to start, we decided to go to a few shows.. Today at the Luxembourg speciality show: Capri, Larinkallion Brysselinblicca
received 1st excellent, CACL Couldn't have been a better result! :-) Thu 10/04/08
(c) Salmelin |