Watercubs & Kivisilmän

working show-quality newfoundlands

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About us Our dogs in the news Contact information Is the newfoundland the right breed for me? What to tell the breeder?


What to tell the breeder

Want to get in contact with a breeder, but don't know what kind of information to tell..? Here are a few questions to help you...

-Why a Newfoundland?

-Looking for a male or a female?

-Where do you live?

-How do you live? Do you have a garden, if, is it fenced? are you going to fence it? 

-Are you looking for a guard dog? A dog for outside?

-What kind of a family do you have? Do you have any allergies? Small children? 

-Do you have any previous experince of dogs? If, what kind?

-How do you plan on feeding your newf?

-What will you do if it gets sick?

-How/where will the dog live with you?

-How do you plan on taking the dog out? Do you have a forest nearby? A possibility to swim with it? 

-Puppies are monsters, how do you think you will be able to survive that phase?

-What do you expect in a dog? What are your expectations?

-Will you keep contact? Will you come to annual puppymeetings?

-Are you looking for a companion or a working dog?

When you find an interesting litter combination, get in touch with the breeder as soon as possible and preferably before the puppies are even born. Any responsible breeder will want to get to know you and your family before considering you as future puppy owners.  

(c) Salmelin