Watercubs & Kivisilmän

working show-quality newfoundlands

Introduction Our Dogs News Puppies Working Articles Photo Gallery
Grooming Behaviour and training Coat colour genetics Health and feeding Breed information
and history
Waterwork Miscellaneous


Clipping the nails
-A short illustrated guide to cutting your dog's nails

Trimming a Newfie
-An illustrated guide to washing, drying and cutting your Newfoundland

Oiling the coat
-A short step-by-step guide to oiling your dog's coat

Introducing your puppy to grooming
-A short article about starting grooming at an early age

-A short guide to treating hotspots

Trimming to a 'home-look'
-A guide with pictures on what an everyday trim should look like

Using the trimming equipment
-A guide to using the right brushes and combs on a Newfie



Trimming day in Finland, summer 2008

(c) Salmelin