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SECTION A EXERCISE 1 Swim out 15 metres to boat
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and swim 15 metres out to a boat and then return to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore with the owner until instructed to begin. The handler will be in the front of a boat, with the boat steward, at least 15 metres from the shore. The dog's attention can be attracted by calling/splashing or tossing the tow rope into the water. Upon command from the owner, the dog will swim directly to the boat, and either take the tow rope in his mouth and tow the boat to the shore or, when within touching distance of the handler in the boat, turn and swim back to the shore being followed closely by the boat. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the dog is back on shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the boat; attempting to enter the boat; not turning when instructed; not swimming directly back to the shore; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 26 out of 35.
Failure - Exceeding the 3 minute limit for completing the exercise.
Permitted actions - The rope to be used to pull the boat can be provided by the owner, subject to the judges' approval. When attracting the dog's attention, the handler IS permitted to use the dog's name and to have the dogs own article, which may be given to the dog to return to shore with.
SECTION A EXERCISE 2 Swim out 15 metres to handler or stranger
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and swim 15 metres out to a person and then return to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore with the owner until instructed to begin. The handler or water steward will swim out at least 15 metres from the shore, turn and face the shore and wait. On being given the indication from the Judge they will attract the dog's attention by calling and/or splashing in the water. Upon command from the owner, the dog will swim directly to the handler/steward, and when within touching distance of them, turn and swim back to the shore either towing or being followed by them. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the dog is back on shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the person; not turning when instructed; not swimming directly back to the shore; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 26 out of 35.
Failure - Exceeding the 3 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb on the handler or water steward.
Permitted actions - The dog is permitted to wear a harness to provide a safe handhold when towing.
When attracting the dog's attention, the swimmer IS permitted to use the dog's name and to have the dogs own article, which may be given to the dog to return to shore with. When approaching the swimmer the dog may turn either close enough in front or to the side of the person for them to take hold or turn safely behind the person. SECTION A EXERCISE 3 Retrieve familiar object from 6 metres
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and to return a familiar thrown object to its owner.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore with the owner until instructed to begin. In full view of the dog, the owner or steward will throw the article out at least 6 metres into the water test area. The Judge will immediately give the indication to begin. The dog will be sent to retrieve the object from the water and return it to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the dog and the object is back on shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the object; not turning when instructed; not swimming directly back to the shore; dropping object before getting it back to the shore within the test area; having the object rethrown; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 23 out of 30.
Failure - Exceeding the 3 minute limit for completing the exercise.
Permitted actions - The object will be selected or provided by the owner, assisted by the Judges, if they so wish, from a hank of rope, a life buoy/life jacket/buoyancy aid, or other piece of equipment approved by the Judge prior to commencing the test.
SECTION B EXERCISE 1 Tow boat back 20 metres
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and swim 20 metres out to a boat and then tow it to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore with the owner until instructed to begin. The boat will be positioned at least 20 metres from the shore, with the handler at the front of the boat. The dog's attention can be attracted by calling/splashing or tossing the tow rope into the water. Upon command from the owner, the dog will swim directly to the boat, take the tow rope in his mouth and tow the boat to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is complete when the boat is within reach of the owner and the boat occupants could step ashore safely in less than knee depth water.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the boat; attempting to enter the boat; not turning when instructed; not taking the rope when offered; not towing the boat with the rope; not swimming directly back to the shore; not bringing the boat within reach of the owner; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 14 out of 20.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Handler fails to offer the rope to the dog.
Permitted actions - The rope to be used to pull the boat can be provided by the owner, subject to the judges' approval; the tow rope will not be attached to the boat. The handler may only hold one end of the rope; the rope cannot be held either side of the dog’s mouth, or both ends. Whilst points will be lost for not towing with the rope it is permissible for the rump to be held and thus for the dog to tow the boat indirectly. When attracting the dog’s attention the handler IS permitted to use the dog’s name, no other article other than the tow rope can be used to attract the dog.
SECTION B EXERCISE 2 Tow handler or stranger from 20 metres
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and swim 20 metres out to a person and then return with him to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore with the owner until instructed to begin. The handler or water steward will swim out at least 20 metres from the shore, turn, face the shore and wait. On being given the indication from the Judge the handler/steward will attract the dog's attention by calling and/or splashing in the water. Upon command from the owner, the dog will swim directly to the handler/steward, effect a safe pick-up and tow him back to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the handler/steward is in shallow water near the shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the person; not turning when instructed; not effecting a safe tow; not swimming directly back to the shore; not bringing the handler/steward to shallow water; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 14 out of 20.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb on the handler or water steward.
Permitted actions - The dog is encouraged to wear a harness to provide a safe handhold when towing. When attracting the dog's attention the swimmer IS permitted to use the dog's name, but not have the dog's own article. To effect a safe pick-up when approaching the swimmer the dog may turn either close enough in front or to the side of the person for him to take hold or turn safely behind the person.
SECTION B EXERCISE 3 Retrieve provided object from 6 metres
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and to return an unfamiliar object to its owner.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore with the owner until instructed to begin. In full view of the dog, the owner or steward will throw the article out at least 6 metres into the water test area. The Judge will immediately give the indication to begin. The dog will be sent to retrieve the object from the water and return it to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the dog and the object is back on shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the object; not turning when instructed; not swimming directly back to the shore; dropping object before getting it back to the shore within the test area; having the object rethrown; not giving the object to the owner when instructed; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 14 out of 20.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise.
Notes - The object will be selected by the Judges on the day from a hank of rope, a life ring/buoy, a life jacket/buoyancy aid or a boat cushion and will be the same for each dog. SECTION B EXERCISE 4 Retrieve of object from 20 centimetres underwater
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and retrieve an object from a reasonable depth of water.
Desired performance - In full view of the dog, the owner will drop or throw the article in the water and allow it to sink, in accordance with the Judge's instructions. When the object has sunk, the Judge will immediately give the indication to begin. The dog will be commanded to find the object and return it to the owner. The owner’s hands should not be in the water when the object is retrieved. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the object has been given by the dog to the owner.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not homing in directly to the object; the dog being physically redirected; dropping the object before giving it to the owner; not giving the object to the owner when instructed; not leaving the water when instructed; owners hands not being clear of the water.
The pass mark is 14 out of 20.
Failure - Exceeding the 3 minute limit for completing the exercise. Owner attempts to force the dog's head under water, however slightly.
Permitted actions - The underwater test object will be a piece of heavy, knotted/plaited sinking rope and will be the same for each dog. The dog is permitted to 'trawl' the object before retrieving it and returning it to the owner.
In accordance with the Judge's instructions, the object can be re-dropped or re-thrown.
SECTION B EXERCISE 5 Controlled swim
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner’s commands and swim safely with the owner without interfering with them.
Desired performance – On the judges instruction the dog, off lead, and owner will leave the shore together and swim at least 20 metres straight out from the shore; the dog will swim at the side of the owner close enough to be controlled (within 2m) but not too close so as to interfere with the stroke of the swimmer. On reaching the required distance an indication by one of the Judges (by whistle, loud hailer, flag, etc.,), will deem the exercise complete. The dog will swim independently throughout the exercise; it will not tow the owner during the exercise.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not being close enough to the swimmer; being too close to the swimmer, so as to interfere with the stroke of the swimmer; physically redirecting the dog; not turning when instructed; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 14 out of 20.
Failure - Exceeding the 5 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb on the owner. Owner swimming on their back with the dog following them. Dog swimming off and the owner chasing it. Owner swimming off and the dog chasing them. Wearing fins or swimming aids, other than webbed gloves.
Permitted actions - When entering the water together the owner may hold the harness/dog only until the dog is swimming. If for any reason the owner stops swimming then the dog is permitted to circle the owner as many times as necessary, but should not be more than 2 m (approximately) from the owners head. The dog (but not the owner) is permitted to carry a small object, eg glove, whilst swimming.
NB 1) The Judges will indicate a target to aim for so that they can see that the dog and handler are swimming in the right direction, but there will be no buoys close to the test area that would act as an attraction or a danger for the dog.
2) It is the owner's responsibility to swim or provide a person to swim with their dog; it cannot be assumed that a steward will automatically be available to take on this role without prior arrangement.
3) Once the exercise has been completed, it is the owner's decision as to how they return to the shore area. However, they will tell the Judge before the exercise of the arrangements in order for this to be supervised by the safety boat that will be standing by. Possible options may be:- being towed back by their dog or being picked up by the safety boat. SECTION C EXERCISE 1 Jump from boat and tow 25 to 30 metres to shore
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and jump from a boat then tow it 25 to 30 metres to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The dog and owner, in a controlled manner, will enter the boat containing a steward, the boat steward and a Judge. The boat will then be taken 25 to 30 metres from the shore. When given the signal to begin, the dog shall enter the water, take the boat's tow rope in its mouth and tow the boat directly back to the shore. The instruction to the dog can be supplemented by splashing or tossing the tow rope into the water. The owner must remain in the boat until the test is completed. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is complete when the boat is within reach of the handler and the boat occupants could step ashore safely in less than knee depth water.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: not entering the boat safely at the shore; excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water when commanded by the owner; hesitation in taking the rope when commanded; attempting to reenter the boat; dropping the rope; not swimming directly back to the shore; not bringing the boat within reach of the handler; the dog being physically redirected; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Not exiting the boat in the first 60 seconds of the exercise. Owner physically assisting in the exit from the boat. Not towing the boat by holding the rope voluntarily in its mouth. Owner holding both ends of the rope. Owner holding the rope in a loop, however loosely. Owner holding rope either side of the dogs mouth.
Permitted actions - The tow rope must float and must not have anything at the towing end, other than a plain back-splice or whipping. The rope shall be between 35 and 65 mm in circumference and heat sealed where necessary. The tow rope will not be attached to the boat but will be held (firmly) by the owner, one end of the rope must remain free. The end of the rope can be given directly to the dog or it can pick it up from the water.
A handler may call the dog to the shore.
SECTION C EXERCISE 2 Tow stranger from 25 metres
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and swim 25 metres out to a stranger and then return with him to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore, under control, at the side of the owner, until instructed to begin. The water steward (who is a stranger to the dog, i.e. not from its normal training group) will swim out at least 25 metres from the shore, turn, face the shore and wait. On being given the indication from the Judge, they will attract the dog's attention by calling AND splashing in the water. They will continue to attract the dog’s attention until the dog is within touching distance. Upon command from the owner, the dog will swim directly to the steward, effect a safe pick-up and tow him back to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the steward is in shallow water near the shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the person; not turning when instructed; not effecting a safe tow; not swimming directly back to the shore; not bringing the steward to shallow water; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb on the water steward.
Permitted actions - The dog is encouraged to wear a harness to provide a safe handhold when towing. When attracting the dog's attention the steward is NOT permitted to use the dog's name. To effect a safe pick-up when approaching the steward the dog may turn either close enough in front or to the side of the person for him to take hold or turn safely behind the person.
SECTION C EXERCISE 3 Retrieve object from 15 metres
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and to return an unfamiliar object to its owner from a distance.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore, under control, at the side of the owner, until instructed to begin. A boat will proceed on a course parallel to the shore. In full view of the dog, the steward will hold the article above their head and then on the Judge's signal drop it into the water as they pass so that the dog will have to swim at least 15 metres to the article. The Judge will immediately give the indication to begin, while the boat leaves the test area. The dog will be sent to retrieve the object from the water and return it to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the dog and the owner with the object are back on shore
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; the dog being physically redirected; not swimming directly to the object; not turning when instructed; not swimming directly back to the shore; dropping the object before getting it back to the shore within the test area; not giving the object to the owner when instructed; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise.
Notes - The object will be selected by the Judge on the day from a hank of rope, a life ring/buoy, a life jacket/ buoyancy aid or a boat cushion and it will be the same for each dog. In selecting the article the Judge will take into account their suitability having regard to all the circumstances.
SECTION C EXERCISE 4 Controlled swim
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner’s commands and swim safely with the owner without interfering with them.
Desired performance - During this exercise the dog and owner will be required to swim together for at least 45 metres and not more than 50 metres, perform a minimum of two turns so that they are swimming parallel to the shore for at least 15 metres. The route to be taken should be either:- (1) 'n' shaped with a swim out of at least 15 m, turn to swim at least 15 m parallel to the shore and then a further turn and swim back the last at least 15 m to the shore; or (2) a triangle with a swim out of at least 15 m, turn to swim at least 15 m parallel to the shore and then a further oblique turn and swim back the last at least 15 m to the entry point on the shore; or (3) an inverted 'L' with a swim out of at least 15 m, turn to swim at least 7.5 m parallel to the shore, then an about turn over the same route to return to the shore at the entry point. The choice of route will be decided by the Judges depending on the environment and weather conditions on the day of the test and will be the same for each dog; the Judges may vary distances according to venue or conditions but without reducing the overall distance.
On the judges instruction the dog, off lead, and owner will leave the shore together and swim out following the route previously detailed by the Judges. The dog will swim at the side of the owner close enough to be verbally/visually controlled (within 2m) but not too close so as to interfere with the stroke of the swimmer. The dog will swim independently throughout the exercise; it will not tow the owner during the exercise. Note: The points at which to make turns will be clearly indicated audibly and/or visually by the Judges, e.g. whistle, loud hailer, flag, etc.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not being close enough to the swimmer; being too close, so as to interfere with the stroke of the swimmer; physically redirecting the dog; not turning when instructed; not leaving the water when instructed.
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 5 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb on the owner. Owner swimming on their back with the dog following them. Dog swimming off and the owner chasing it. Owner swimming off and the dog chasing them. Wearing fins or swimming aids, other than webbed gloves.
Permitted actions - When entering the water together the owner may hold the harness/dog only until the dog is swimming. If for any reason the owner stops swimming then the dog is permitted to circle the owner as many times as necessary, but should not at any time be more than 2 m (approximately) from the owner’s head. NB 1) The Judges will indicate a target to aim for so that they can see that the dog and owner are swimming on line, but there will be no buoys close in to the test area that would act as an attraction or a danger for the dog.
2) Distances will be measured from when the dog and owner start swimming.
3) For the turns to swim parallel to the shore and the return to shore the Judges will arrange in advance how they will signal to each other and the entrant - whistles may be reinforced with a visual signal.
4) A Judge will be in a boat at a safe distance from the dog and owner to give a better perspective to the actual swim.
5) It is the owner's responsibility to swim or provide a person to swim with their dog; it cannot be assumed that a steward will automatically be available to take on this role without prior arrangement.
SECTION D EXERCISE 1 Take coil of rope out to a boat and tow it back to shore
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and take a coil of rope to someone in a boat then tow it back safely to the shore.
Desired performance - The boat with a steward and the boat steward, not known to the dog, and a Judge will be positioned at least 25 metres from the shore. The boat steward will be solely concerned with the safety and position of the boat and will not be concerned with handling the dog. The dog will remain on shore, under control, at the side of the owner, until instructed to begin. When instructed, the owner will command the dog to swim out directly to the boat with the coil of rope in its mouth, with the steward calling out for the dog to come to the boat, they will continue to call the dog until the dog is within touching distance. On reaching the boat the steward will attempt to take the coil of rope without endangering himself or the dog. Once he is holding the coil of rope, the steward will give the 'release' command, as notified to him by the owner before commencing the exercise, and will continue to do so until the dog voluntarily releases the coil of rope. The steward will not forcibly remove the coil of rope or continue to hold the coil of rope if it becomes unsafe to do so. The handler must not show the second rope to the dog until the coil of rope is inside the boat.
The steward will then go to the front of the boat and offer a similar rope to the dog. The dog will then take this rope in its mouth and use it to tow the boat back to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is complete when the boat is within reach of the owner and the boat occupants could step ashore safely in less than knee depth water.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not swimming directly to the boat; dropping the rope during the swim out; not releasing the rope to the steward on command; not swimming directly back to the shore; dropping the rope during the tow back; not bringing the boat within reach of the owner; not leaving the water when instructed.
5 points will be lost immediately a second attempt is started (see Explanatory Note 10).
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb in the boat. Physical redirection. Not towing the boat by holding the rope voluntarily in its mouth.
Permitted actions - The coil of rope will be made from floating rope between 35 and 65 mm in circumference and coiled so that there are 6 to 10 loops of 45 and 75 cm diameter. The coil must be tied so that it will not unravel. The 2 metres of tow rope already on the boat will be prepared from the same size and type of rope. When attracting the dog's attention the steward is NOT permitted to use the dog's name. The tow rope will not be attached to the boat but will be held (firmly) at one end by the steward, one end of the rope must remain free, he cannot hold it in a loop however loosely, neither can he hold it either side of the dog’s mouth. The coil of rope can be given to the dog before it enters the water or thrown no more than 6 metres so that it is slightly in front of the dog as it leaves the shore. The dog can turn before or after coming within reach of the steward or may completely circle the boat. The owner may call the dog to the shore. Explanatory Note 10 (second attempt) applies to this exercise.
SECTION D EXERCISE 2 Tow stranger to a boat
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and jump from a boat and tow a stranger back to the boat without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The dog will enter the boat and be taken about 25 metres from the shore with the owner, a water steward (who is a stranger to the dog), a steward, the boat steward and a Judge. The owner will ensure that the dog is under control while in the boat and does not impede the stewards. When given the signal to begin the water steward will fall noisily overboard and position himself at least 5 metres from the boat, where he will be vertical in the water, facing the boat, calm and silent. The water steward should be on the side of the boat furthest from the test area shore, but this may depend on prevailing weather conditions. When the water steward is in position and when instructed by the Judge, the owner will command the dog and the boat steward will continue to hold the boat in position and NOT allow the boat to drift. The dog will enter the water, swim to the water steward and effect a safe tow. The Judge will determine when to release the boat after the dog has jumped so that the test distance is achieved. The dog will tow him to a position close enough to the boat so the owner and steward can pull the water steward aboard. The owner does not have to physically get the water steward aboard but should be involved and should not be solely dealing with the dog during this time. Once the water steward is safely aboard the Judge will tell the owner to bring their dog aboard. Meanwhile, the dog will have been required to wait in the water until instructed to approach the boat again, when it will be carefully pulled aboard in a safe manner. The owner must remain in the boat until the test is completed. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is complete when the dog is back in the boat.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: not entering the boat safely at the shore; excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water when commanded; not swimming directly to the person; not turning when instructed; not effecting a safe tow; not swimming directly back to the boat; not bringing the steward to the position indicated by the owner; owner not assisting with reboarding of water steward; not swimming calmly while waiting for the water steward to be taken aboard.
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Not exiting the boat in the first 30 seconds of the exercise. Owner physically assisting in the exit from the boat. Attempting to climb on the water steward. Attempting to re-enter the boat until instructed to do so. Physical redirection. Using any article to assist in controlling the dog.
Permitted actions - It is encouraged for the dog to wear a harness to provide a safe handhold when towing and for when it is being hauled into the boat. To effect a safe pick-up when approaching the steward the dog may turn either close enough in front or to their side for him to take hold, or turn safely behind him.
SECTION D EXERCISE 3 Directed retrieve of one of two objects
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and to return a specific object to its owner from a distance.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore, under control at the side of the owner, until instructed to begin. The Judge will inform the owner which article the dog has to retrieve. A boat will proceed on a course parallel to the shore. In full view of the dog, the steward will hold the articles above their head and then on the Judge's signals quietly place the articles in the water as it passes so that they are between 6 and 7 metres apart and the dog will have to swim at least 15 metres to them. The articles and their positions will be the same for all dogs in that test. Once the second article is in the water the Judge will give the indication to begin, while the boat leaves the test area. The dog, from its position midway between the two articles, will be sent to retrieve the selected article from the water and return it to the owner on the shore. In this particular exercise the owner must stay on land at the midway point, directing the dog only by verbal/visual commands and not move until the dog commences the exercise. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the dog and the owner with the object are back on shore. The boat will then retrieve the other article.
Scoring – Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not swimming directly to the redirect article; not turning when instructed; not swimming directly back to the shore; dropping the article before getting it back to the shore within the test area; not giving the article to the owner when instructed; not leaving the water when instructed.
5 points will be lost immediately a second attempt is started (see Explanatory Note 10).
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Retrieves the wrong article Physical redirection.
Permitted actions - The Judges on the day will select two hanks of rope, or two life rings/buoys, or two life jackets/ buoyancy aids or two boat cushions (which should be identical or very similar pairs). When making their selection, the Judges will take into account the suitability of the articles having regard to all the circumstances. The first or the second object out of the boat will be randomly designated to be the actual item to retrieve and will not necessarily be the same for each dog. The owner will know which article (Left or Right) to retrieve as the boat is getting into position and before the articles are placed. Before the dog leaves the shore, a Judge will announce which article (Left or Right) is to be retrieved.
Explanatory Note 10 (second attempt) applies to this exercise.
NB. The owner is not permitted to launch the dog into the water by moving with the dog in the direction of the selected object.
SECTION D EXERCISE 4 Search for hidden stranger and tow to shore
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and search round a boat to find a stranger and then return with him to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - Out of the view of the dog, the boat will be positioned at a buoy at least 25 metres from the shore with a water steward (who is a stranger to the dog) in the water holding the boat in such a position that he cannot be seen by the dog on the shore. The boat steward, who will eventually handle the boat, must make himself as inconspicuous as possible so as not to attract the dog's attention in any way, but still be able to see the dog. The dog will remain on shore under control, at the side of the owner, until instructed to begin. When instructed the water steward will begin to shout and splash in the water, and will continue to do so until the dog is within touching distance, the owner will command the dog to swim out to the boat. On reaching the boat it will swim around the boat to find the water steward and effect a safe pick-up and tow. Avoiding the boat, it will then return with him back to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the steward is in shallow water near the shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not swimming directly to the boat; not circling close to the boat when instructed; not effecting a safe tow; not swimming directly back to the shore; not bringing the steward to shallow water; not leaving the water when instructed.
5 points will be lost immediately a second attempt is started (see Explanatory Note 10).
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to enter the boat. Attempting to climb on the water steward. Physical redirection.
Permitted actions - The dog is encouraged to wear a harness to provide a safe handhold when towing. The water steward is NOT permitted to use the dog's name. To effect a safe pick-up when approaching the steward the dog may turn either close enough in front or to their side for him to take hold, or turn safely behind him. Explanatory Note 10 (second attempt) applies to this exercise.
Notes - 'Out of the view of the dog' is at the choice of the owner and could just be facing away from the water, or taking the dog away from the area while the exercise is set up. The boat steward will ensure there are no ropes hanging over the side of the boat that may act as a distraction.
SECTION E EXERCISE 1 Take out life buoy/jacket to stranger
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and take an object to a stranger in the water then tow him back safely to the shore.
Desired performance - The dog will remain on shore under control, at the side of the owner until instructed to begin. The water steward (who is a stranger to the dog) will enter the water from a boat at least 30 metres from the shore so that he is facing the shore. When instructed the steward will splash only, and will continue to do so until the article is within touching distance, the owner will command the dog to swim out to the water steward with the life buoy or life jacket. The dog will swim directly to him holding the article with its mouth. On reaching the steward it will swim close enough for him to take and keep hold of the article. The dog will then use the article to bring him back to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is complete when the steward is in shallow water near the shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not swimming directly to the water steward; not turning when instructed; not keeping hold of the article; not swimming directly back to the shore; not bringing the steward to shallow water not leaving the water when instructed.
5 points will be lost immediately a second attempt is started (see Explanatory Note 10).
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb on the water steward. Physical redirection.
Permitted actions - The Judge on the day will select either 1) a life ring/buoy or (2) a life jacket/buoyancy aid to be the article for the day and it will be the same for each dog. When making his selection the Judge will take into account their suitability having regard to all the circumstances.
The selected article can be given to the dog before it enters the water or thrown no more than 6 metres so that it is slightly in front of the dog as it leaves the shore. To effect a safe pick-up the dog should preferably turn behind the water steward but it may turn in front or to the side; however it must be a close turn as the article must be presented within arms reach of the steward so that he can easily take hold of it.
Explanatory Note 10 (second attempt) applies to this exercise.
SECTION E EXERCISE 2 Search for hidden rope and tow boat to shore.
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and search round a boat to find a rope and then use it to tow the boat back to the shore.
Desired performance - Out of sight of the dog, the boat will be positioned at least 30 metres from the shore with a steward holding the boat in position. The boat steward must make himself as inconspicuous as possible so as not to attract the dog's attention in any way, but still be able to see the dog. The dog will remain on shore under control, at the side of the owner, until instructed to begin. When instructed the owner will command the dog to swim out to the boat. On reaching the boat, the dog will swim around the boat to find the rope that will be hanging loosely with the end in the water. The dog will take up the rope and use it to tow the boat back to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is completed when the boat is within reach of the owner.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water; not swimming directly to the boat; not circling close to the boat when instructed; not swimming directly back to the shore; dropping the rope on the swim back; not bringing the boat to shallow water; not leaving the water when instructed.
5 points will be lost immediately a second attempt is started (see Explanatory Note 10).
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to enter the boat. Physical redirection.
Permitted actions - The tow rope must float and not have anything at the towing end, as approved by the Judge, other than a plain back-splice or whipping. The rope shall be between 35 and 65 mm in circumference and heat sealed where necessary. The rope will held (firmly) by a steward at one end, it will not be attached to the boat, one end will be left loosely hanging over the side with at least the end in the water; the rope may not be over the side facing the shore at the start of the exercise.
Explanatory Note 10 (second attempt) applies to this exercise.
NB The boat steward should ensure that there is only one rope hanging over the side; all extraneous ropes must be removed or moved out of the way.
Notes - 'Out of the view of the dog' is at the choice of the owner and could just be facing away from the water, or taking the dog away from the test area while the exercise is set up.
SECTION E EXERCISE 3 Directed tow of one of two persons
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to the owner's commands and swim to a stranger and then return with him to the shore without endangering itself or any person.
Desired performance - The exercise will be set up out of sight of the dog. When called forward the dog will remain on shore under control, at the side of the owner until instructed to begin. Two water stewards (who are strangers to the dog) will have entered the water from a boat so that they are both at least 30 metres out, about 10 metres apart and both vertical in the water, facing the shore. The Judge will inform the owner which steward the dog has to tow. Depending on the random selection, both stewards will be either noisy and splash in the water or both will remain calm and quiet. When instructed the owner will command the dog from its position mid way between the two water stewards to swim out to the randomly selected steward. In this particular exercise the owner must stay on land at the midway point, directing the dog only by verbal/visual commands and not move until the dog commences the exercise. The dog will swim directly to the selected steward, effect a safe pick-up and return with him back to the shore. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is complete when the steward is in shallow water near the shore. The other water steward will then return to the shore.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water when commanded by the owner; not swimming directly to the person; not effecting a safe pick-up; not swimming directly back to the shore; not bringing the steward to shallow water; not leaving the water when instructed.
5 points will be lost immediately a second attempt is started (see Explanatory Note 10).
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Attempting to climb on either water steward. Physical redirection. Coming within arms reach of the 'wrong' steward.
Permitted actions - Prior to the boat leaving the shore the water stewards will find out if they are both to be noisy or quiet by random selection. The steward to be collected (Left or Right) will also be randomly selected and will be known to the owner just before the water stewards get out of the boat and into position; they will, therefore, not necessarily be the same for each dog.
The dog is encouraged to wear a harness to provide a safe handhold when towing. To effect a safe pick-up when approaching the steward, although the dog may turn either close enough in front or to their side for him to take hold, it is preferable for it or turn safely behind him.
Explanatory Note 10 (second attempt) applies to this exercise.
NB 1) The owner is not permitted to launch the dog into the water by moving with the dog in the direction of the selected steward.
2) If the dog comes within reach of the 'wrong' steward then they will hold on and get towed back to the shore.
3) Attention is drawn to the Explanatory Note 5 at the front of these Regulations which explains the situation concerning dogs taking hold with the mouth.
EXERCISE 4 Jump and take a rope to a strangerin another boat and be pulled in.
To demonstrate a dog's ability to respond to commands and to jump from a boat and take a rope to someone in another boat some distance away and then be pulled into that boat.
Desired performance - The dog will enter the boat and be taken about 25 metres from the shore with the owner, the boat steward and a Judge; another boat with a steward and its boat steward, neither of which are known to the dog, and the other Judge will be the same distance from the shore but at least 15 metres away. To ensure the boats remain in their set positions of at least 15 metres apart they will be anchored, where possible. When given the signal to begin, the owner will command the dog, with the steward in the other boat calling out for the dog to come to the boat, the steward will continue to call the dog until the dog is within touching distance. The dog will enter the water, be handed or take one end of the rope in its mouth and swim directly to the other boat. As the dog gets sufficiently near to the other boat the steward will actively attempt to get hold of the rope but without endangering himself or the dog. When the steward has the end of the rope, he will secure it to the boat. While he is doing this the dog will be required to swim calmly in the water until instructed to approach the boat again, when it will be carefully pulled aboard in a safe manner. The Judge shall indicate that the exercise is complete when the boats are connected by the rope and the dog is in the second boat.
Scoring - Points will be lost for: not entering the boat safely at the shore; excessive anticipation or lack of control; hesitation in entering the water when commanded by the owner; not taking the end of rope when instructed; not swimming directly to the other boat; dropping the rope during the swim; not taking the rope directly to the steward; not swimming calmly while waiting to be taken aboard.
The pass mark is 18 out of 25.
Failure - Exceeding the 4 minute limit for completing the exercise. Not exiting the boat in the first 30 seconds of the exercise. Owner physically assisting in the exit from the boat. Attempting to enter or re-enter either boat. Physical redirection.
Permitted actions - The rope must float and not have anything at the end other than a plain back-splice or whipping. The rope shall be between 35 and 65 mm in circumference, heat sealed where necessary and be of sufficient length (at least 20 m) to reach between the two boats. The dog can be given the end of the rope before it jumps overboard or have its commands supplemented by splashing or tossing the end of rope into the water. The boat steward is NOT permitted to use the dog's name. The owner must remain in the first boat until the test is completed.
(c) Salmelin |